Friday, December 13, 2013

Graduation, Camping and THANKSGIVING :)

I haven't written anything recently so.......First and most importantly my love graduated from the Police academy at our local Community college the week before Thanksgiving. I am so freaking proud of him :) It has been a LONG 6 months. But it is finally over and it is now on to the pain in the butt search for a job. (in what I am sure is related news....I now have my first 3 grey hairs.) here is my little family. Don't judge me I look TERRIBLE

Anyways......Right after the graduation ceremony we packed up and spent a weekend camping in the beautiful Hillsborough River State Park. I HIGHLY recommend it. We go the week before Thanksgiving every year and LOVE IT. Close to home and finally bearable temperatures for Florida.  It was so nice to finally get away and spend time as a family. The last 6 months have put a strain on us all and this trip has been much anticipated. 

Our family had to put a much loved member to rest days before we left. Our beloved horse Heidi went down early Wednesday morning and we had to make the tough choice to put her down. She was 32 and had knee problems for a little over a year so we felt, after several attempts to get her to her feet, that she was finally ready to rest. She had been with our family for 27 years and I very much missed. She was as ornery as they come when she was younger but she really was a great horse. I truly miss her.
After we got home from camping we started prepping for Thanksgiving!
My amazing mother hired my little ones and my cousins girls to come clean her house and then that evening she hosted a "baking party". All of the women in the family came over and prepped some of the dished that we would be serving for Thanksgiving. It was a great little get together and I think is will be a new family tradition. (Sorry i didn't take any pictures)

Thanksgiving morning the little ones and I got up and watched the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade.  The girls and I had a good time watching it and I loved being able to just curl up on the couch and relax. after that we got ready and headed to my Grammy's house for a fantastic Thanksgiving dinner. As always the food was great and the company was even better.  I am done rambling for now but I thought I should update the world on my life. ha ha