Sunday, February 9, 2014

Disney trip shopping at the Dollar Tree

So I went to the Dollar tree today to stock up on supplies for my next Disney trip and I though I would share some of the things that I get from the DT to save some cash.
First things first.....

  • HAND SOAP- The resorts and most hotels do not provide liquid hand soap. I am a HUGE germaphob so the idea of using the same bar of soap as someone else makes my skin crawl. It's also nice to have liquid soap available to rinse out bathing suits and my step daughters socks. I love the child to death but her feet smell horrific after a day in the parks. Rinsing them in the sink with a little soap at night helps keep my hotel room smelling much nicer. 

  • HAMPER- some people swear by this so I have tried it and love it.  Bring a small folding hamper for everyone's dirty clothes. It keeps them all in one place, helps the room to not look trashed and keeps them separate from your clean clothes that you have not had the opportunity to make stinky yet :) And if you are one of those people who prefer to do your laundry at the facilities on site, its a nice carrier to get to and from the laundromat. 

SUCTION HOOKS- these bad boys are great for hanging up wet bathing suits in the shower. My girls LOVE the resort pools and would skip the parks to swim (cheap easy entertainment.....just saying) . But then they leave their wet suits on a pile on the floor and wet bathing suits are never fun to get into the next day. These guys suction right in your shower and lets them dry overnight. LIFE SAVER!

  • NIGHT LIGHT- The DT has Disney night lights!!!! I have an Ariel one and I picked up a Minnie Mouse one today FOR $1!!! I love these. I always have to get up in the middle of the night for something and I HATE turning on lights (I hate lights in general but I am just weird.) Anyways..... These are great for middle of the night bathroom runs or trying to find a stuffed animal that fell on the floor. 

  • TISSUES- I keep pocket tissues in my park bag ALWAYS. The four of us can be rather messy and it's nice to have something in my bag that I can grab quickly for a quick clean up.  Or if you are like me (Don't worry, you don't have to admit it)  and you cry like a baby during the fireworks or when you see the castle for the first time on the trip :D
  • DRINK MIX- Florida water may not taste very good (who am I kidding, its tastes nasty) but buying water bottles in the parks can get very expensive. Save a lot of money by bringing your own water bottle and filling it at the water water fountain OR you can go up to any quick service food counter and request a FREE cup of ice water. Both are good options, but I prefer to go to the counter and get ice water. I am the queen of water fountain water tho, when I have a cranky kid because they are thirsty. Just fill up the bottle, pour in a flavor pouch and instant happiness :)
  • ANTI-BACTERIAL WIPES- I FREAKING LOVE THESE!!!!!!!!! These are the best things since sliced bread! You can used them to wipe your hands, to wipe down the table at a restaurant, to wipe down a changing table (tho for some of these I do bring a travel pack of CLOROX wipes.) I prefer these over hand sanitizing gels because I can feel like I am getting the germs off of my hands. Nothing beats good ol' soap and water but for me and my family this is the next best thing.

     BATH TIME SOAP- What kid doesn't love being all Disney when they are on a Disney vacation? I buy my girls a Disney soap wither a liquid body wash or a bar. For us I like the liquid more but I know there are some families who prefer using the bars. Again I am a germaphob and can't stand the idea of touching soap that someone else used.

I hope this has been at least a little helpful. That's all I bought on this trip. I will do a part two next time I go and show you even more cool stuff I want to get :)

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